释义 |
pseu·do·po·di·um \ˌsüdəˈpōdēəm\ noun (plural pseudopo·dia \-ēə\) Etymology: New Latin, from pseud- + -podium 1. a. : a temporary protrusion or retractile process of the protoplasm of a cell (as a unicellular organism or a leukocyte of a higher organism) often having a fairly definite filamentous form, sometimes fusing with others to form a network, and serving especially as an organ of locomotion or for taking up food — see axopodium, filopodium, lobopodium, myxopodium b. : one of the amoeboid protrusions of an active myxomycete plasmodium 2. : a slender leafless branch of the gametophyte in various mosses that often bears gemmae 3. : the foot of a rotifer |