

单词 early
释义 ear·ly
I. \ˈərlē, ˈə̄l-, ˈəil-\ adverb
Etymology: Middle English erly, from Old English ǣrlīce, from ǣr early, soon + -līce -ly — more at ere
 a. : near the beginning of a period of time
  < this great and salutary reaction began early in the present century — H.T.Buckle >
  < awoke early in the morning >
 b. : near the beginning of a course, process, or series
  < is too early to guess the outcome >
  < early in his senatorial career >
 c. : in a distant past time
  < were men of education and business experience and their stamp on the village gave it a degree of culture that early eliminated many frontier crudities — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  < early discovered the use of fire >
 a. : before the expected or usual time
  < retired from business quite early for a lawyer >
  < the train arrived early >
 b. archaic : in the near future : soon
  < that from these may grow a hundredfold, who, having learnt thy way, early may fly the Babylonian woe — John Milton >
 c. : at a time sooner than related forms
  < these apples bear early and heavy >
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English erly, from erly, adverb
1. : of, relating to, or occurring near the beginning of a period of time
 < in the early Renaissance >
 < the early morning >
 b. : of, relating to, or occurring near the beginning of a development, movement, or series
  < work on the thymus gland is still in an exceedingly early experimental stage — Morris Fishbein >
  < the early days of the West >
  (1) : distant in past time
   < the early character of the state >
  (2) : primitive
   < early art forms >
   < early tools found in recent excavations >
 a. : occurring before the expected or usual time
  < taking an early walk before breakfast — W.F.De Morgan >
  < planned an early dinner before the concert >
  < an early death >
 b. : occurring in the near future
  < other commitments making it impossible for him to schedule an early production of the play — Current Biography >
  < hope for an early improvement in international relations >
 c. : maturing or producing sooner than related forms
  < early flowers and vegetables — Geoffrey Boumphrey >
  < an early sweet corn >
III. noun
: one that arrives, produces, or is ready early; especially : a plant that matures its economic part (as flowers or fruit) more rapidly than the average




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