

单词 covert
释义 cov·ert
I. \ˈkəvə(r)]t, ˈkōvə(r)]t, -ōˌvər]t, -ōˌvə̄]t, -ōˌvəi]t, usu ]d.+V\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French (past participle of covrir to cover), from Latin coopertus, past participle of cooperire to cover — more at cover
 a. : marked by or as if by concealment : kept private : not open, overt, or avowed : hidden, veiled
  < ostensibly in sympathy but with covert malice >
 b. : of hidden or doubtful meaning
  < the covert wording of the message >
 c. : performed or expressed surreptitiously, with reluctance to admit or avow, or with attempt at concealment
  < listening to the long story with covert yawns >
  < at first in covert conversation and now more openly in published works — W.H.Camp >
2. obsolete : secretive, deceitful
3. : covered over, sheltered, and secluded especially in sylvan surroundings
 < starting from some covert place, saluted the chance comer on the road — William Wordsworth >
4. of a woman : married and under cover, authority, or protection of the husband — see feme covert
 a. : subconsciously motivated : implicit rather than explicit : underlying
  < covert behavior >
  < covert needs >
 b. : not sanctioned or allowed open social expression
  < covert cultural configurations and values >
Synonyms: see secret
II. \ˈkəvə(r)]t, ˈkōvə(r)]t, usu ]d.+V; Brit often ˈkəvə(r\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from covert, adjective
 a. : hiding place : shelter, refuge
  < soldiers firing from coverts >
 b. : a coppice affording cover for game : a hiding place in such a coppice
  < the king shot a stag as it broke from covert — S.P.B.Mais >
 c. : a masking or concealing device
  < deliberation as a covert for their inactivity >
2. archaic : something that covers : covering
 < the thick covert on a walnut >
 < a bed without coverts >
3. : a feather covering the bases of the quills of the wings and tail of a bird — called also tectrix; see bird illustration
4. or covert cloth : a firm durable twilled sometimes waterproofed coating and suiting usually made of mixed-color yarns that give a flecked effect; also : a similar cotton or rayon fabric for sportswear




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