

单词 cross
释义 cross
I. \ˈkrȯs also ˈkräs\ noun
Etymology: Middle English cros, crosse, from Old English cros, from Old Norse or Old Irish; Old Norse kross, from (assumed) Old Irish cross (whence Middle Irish), from Latin crux — more at ridge
 a. : a structure usually consisting of an upright with a transverse beam used especially by the ancient Romans as a means of execution
  < the slave who revolted was fastened to a cross >
  — see crucify, crux commissa, crux decussata, crux immissa
 b. often capitalized : the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified
  < the day when Jesus died on the Cross >
 a. : crucifixion
  < the penalty of the cross >
 specifically : the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ regarded as the culmination of his mission of redemption
  < by thy Cross and Passion … Good Lord, deliver us — Litany in Book of Com. Prayer >
 b. : the gospel of redemption through the death of Jesus Christ
  < the doctrine of the cross, as the one great rule and hope of the world — G.A.Poole >
3. : an affliction or trial regarded as a test of Christian steadfastness, patience, or virtue — often used in the phrase bear one's cross, take one's cross, or take up one's cross with allusion to such biblical passages as Mt 10: 38, 16: 24, 27: 32; broadly : any affliction, trial, or trouble
 < it was Ian's cross to be a social coward — Hamilton Basso >
4. : sign of the cross
 a. : a device or emblem composed essentially of an upright bar traversed by or joined at the top to a horizontal one but found in many varying types and used by people of various cultures as a symbol having any of various meanings, or as an amulet, and adopted by Christians because of its resemblance to the instrument of Jesus' crucifixion as a symbol of the culmination of his mission of redemption through his death or as a symbol of the Christian faith, a Christian people, or Christendom, and also widely used without specific religious symbolism in countries having a predominantly Christian background — see calvary cross, celtic cross, cross-crosslet, cross of lorraine, greek cross, latin cross, maltese cross, papal cross, patriarchal cross, saint andrew's cross, tau cross
 b. : something that this device or emblem symbolizes (as Christianity or Christendom)
  < to fight for the cross >
 a. : a cross-shaped badge, ornament, or article of ecclesiastical furniture used as a religious emblem
 b. : a staff surmounted by a cross or crucifix borne in religious processions; specifically : cross-staff 1
 a. : a monument or other structure in the form of a cross or surmounted by a cross
  < a boundary cross >
  < a cross over a grave >
 especially : a cross set up in the center or market place of a town
 b. now Scotland : market
8. : a figure or mark formed by two intersecting lines or bars usually of equal or approximately equal length and crossing at or about their midpoints (as + or ×)
 < written in warm terms with plenty of crosses indicating kisses — L.A.Norris >
 < the morning star, represented by a cross — L.H.Appleton >
 < a single cross placed opposite one of the party names and counted as a vote — F.A.Ogg & P.O.Ray >
specifically : such a cross (as in ink or pencil) used as a signature — see christcross
 a. : a badge or emblem of an order of chivalry or a decoration of honor having the form of a cross or of a number of rays, often more or less than four, radiating from a common center — compare cross of fourteen points
 b. : one entitled to wear such a badge or emblem
  < he is a Victoria Cross >
10. archaic
 a. : a cross-shaped impression on a coin
 b. : a coin having such an impression
11. heraldry : an ordinary having the form of a pale and a fess combined intersecting in the center of the field
12. : a pipe fitting with four branches the axes of which usually form right angles
13. : a piece of fur made of sections or of whole skins sewed in the form of a cross
14. : any device or emblem of an extensive category that includes not only the cross (sense 5a) in all of its varieties but also various other devices of which a cross forms a part (as the swastika) or which are analogous to the cross
 < as early as 317 B.C., the coins of Sicily bear the three-armed cross as a symbol — E.S.Holden >
— see ankh; compare triskelion
15. obsolete : a transverse part of an object (as the cross guard of a sword or dagger, the stock of an anchor, or the cross stroke on a letter t)
16. obsolete : a position wherein one thing rests over another in the form of a cross — used with in or on
17. archaic : the intersection of two ways or lines : crossing
18. : an accidental contact between two electrical conductors
19. : thwarting, vexation, annoyance
 < a cross in love >
 a. : an act of crossing (as between breeds, races, or kinds of individuals)
  < his first cross of radish and cabbage was unsuccessful >
 b. : a crossbred individual or kind : a product of crossing
  < the blue-gray cross resulting from breeding a Galloway cow to a white Shorthorn bull exhibits outstanding beef conformation >
 c. : one that combines characteristics of two different types or individuals
  < a cross between a hiss and a spit — H.J.Laski >
 a. : something that is not honest or fair (as a contest) : something fraudulent or predeterminedly dishonest
  < I never fought a cross or struck a foul blow in my life — G.B.Shaw >
 b. : dishonest or illegal practices — used especially in the phrase on the cross
  < he earned money mostly on the cross >
  — see double cross
22. : a motion that intersects or goes across: as
 a. : a movement from one part of the stage of a theater to another or from one side to the other
 b. : a hook crossed over the opponent's lead in boxing — usually used with right or left
  < I caught him off guard with … a lucky right cross — G.A.Hamid >
Synonyms: see trial

- in cross
- per cross
[cross 5a: 1 Latin, 2 Calvary, 3 patriarchal, 4 papal, 5 Lorraine, 6 Greek, 7 Celtic, 8 Maltese, 9 Saint Andrew's, 10 tau, 11 pommée, 12 botonée, 13 fleury, 14 avellan, 15 moline, 16 formée, 17 fourchée, 18 crosslet, 19 quadrate, 20 potent]
II. verb
(crossed also crost ; crossed also crost ; crossing ; crosses)
Etymology: Middle English crossen, from cros, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to lie or be situated across
  < the bandoliers crossed his chest >
  < the point where the two braces cross each other >
 b. : intersect
  < the two lines cross each other at right angles >
 specifically : to intersect (one another) as pairs so that each member of one pair meets each member of the other — used in mathematics of two pairs of lines in space
2. : to fasten (a sail or yard) across a mast
 < the sails were crossed and the voyage begun >
 a. : to make the sign of the cross upon or over : bless
  < pilgrims crossed by a bishop >
  < the communicants crossed themselves devoutly and knelt in prayer >
 b. : to place a coin in (the hand of a gypsy fortune-teller) when paying for a consultation
 c. : to place (one's fingers) in a crossed position (as the middle finger over the index finger) as a gesture intended to bring good luck, to free one from responsibility while telling a lie, or to indicate private reservations when making a statement
 d. : to draw a cross over (one's heart) with one's finger as a gesture intended to indicate the absolute truthfulness of a statement
 a. : to cancel by or as if by marking a cross on or drawing a line through : strike out : eradicate — usually used with off or out
  < cross out a bad debt >
  < cross names off a list >
  < cross out portions of a text >
 b. obsolete : to cut off : debar
 a. : to lay or place crosswise usually with one above and almost parallel to the other
  < cross the arms >
  — often used with over
  < he sat down and crossed one leg over the other >
 b. : to arrange in a crisscross pattern
  < to start a fire first cross some dry twigs >
 c. : to place one's leg over (as a horse or saddle) : sit astride : ride
  < the best pony that was ever crossed >
  (1) : to run counter to : oppose
   < he was ugly if crossed >
   : thwart
   < crossed in love >
  (2) : to deny the validity of : contradict
   < cross a person's statement >
  (1) obsolete : to encounter hostilely : engage in combat with
  (2) : to confront in a troublesome or bothersome manner : obstruct
   < the ship was crossed by contrary winds >
  (1) : to spoil completely : disrupt — used with up
   < his not appearing crossed up the whole program >
  (2) : to deceive, betray, or turn against — used with up
   < cross someone up on a deal >
 a. : to extend from one edge or corner of to the other : traverse
  < a highway crossing the entire state >
  < a forest that crosses the length of a valley >
 b. : to reach or attain
  < only two runners crossed the finish line >
  < the number of accidents crossed the 1000 mark in July >
  (1) : to go from one side of to the opposing side
   < cross a street >
   < cross a mine field >
  (2) : to pass over on (as an elevated structure) from one side to the other
   < cross a bridge >
   < cross a trestle >
 a. : to draw a line across or on (as something already drawn)
  < cross one's t's >
  < cross line A at right angles with a second line B >
 b. : to mark or figure with or as if with lines : streak
  < a mineral crossed with irregular yellow lines >
 c. Britain : to draw two parallel lines across the face of (a check) often with & Co written between them in order to indicate that payment is to be made only through a bank
  < if a check is sent it should be crossed and made nonnegotiable — Australian Home Beautiful >
  or to write or print between two parallel lines drawn across the face of (a check) the name of the particular bank through which payment is to be made
  < checks … should be made payable to “The Times Publishing Co., Ltd.,” and crossed “Barclays Bank Ltd.” — Times Literary Supplement >
9. : to cause (an animal or plant) to interbreed with another animal or plant of a different race or kind : hybridize, cross-pollinate
 < improvements were made by crossing mongrel sows with imported boars — E.D.Ross >
10. : to occur to
 < an idea crossed me once that he might be an actor — G.B.Shaw >
— often used with mind
 < misgivings of every sort crossed my mind >
 a. : to come upon : meet
  < cross an acquaintance on the street >
 b. : to meet and pass on the way because of setting out or being sent out at approximately the same time
  < our letters must have crossed each other >
 a. : cross-plow
  (1) : to intersect the path in front of (the bows) of another ship
   < a destroyer crossed the bows of the transport >
  (2) : to ride across the course of (another horse) in horse racing or polo
 a. : to carry, transport, or take across
  < a man bold enough to take his chances could cross livestock to the Texas side of the river — F.B.Gipson >
 b. : to transfer (as from one side to another) — usually used with under or over
  < to tie the knot cross the right hand under the left >
14. : to name as trump (a suit) of a different color from the card turned in the game of euchre
intransitive verb
 a. obsolete : to run counter : be at odds — used with upon or with
 b. : to ride across the course of another horse
  < the jockey claimed there was too much bumping and crossing in the race >
2. : to move, pass, or extend across something
 < a path that crosses through the garden >
 < a throw that crossed from left field to first base >
 < the ship crossed over the equator >
specifically : to pass from one side of the theater stage to another — used with over
3. : to lie or be athwart each other
 < the two highways cross nearby >
4. : to meet in passing especially from opposite directions
 < our letters crossed in the mail >
5. : to interbreed (as of two races) : hybridize; specifically of a gene : to pass from one homologous chromosome to another — used with over; see crossing-over

- cross a person's palm
- cross swords
- cross the floor
- cross the line
- cross the T
III. adjective
Etymology: cross (I)
 a. : lying across or athwart
  < the crazy tangle of cross wires — H.J.Muller >
  : extending from one side to the other
  < cross members should be all steel or metal or equivalent strength — Bookmobile Specifications >
 b. : moving across : traversing from one side to the other
  < cross ventilation >
  < cross traffic >
2. archaic : not accordant with what is wished or expected : thwarting, perverse, unfavorable
 < bowed down by a cross fortune >
 < cross weather >
3. : running counter : opposing, opposite
 < a cross wind >
 < tugging on some issues in cross directions — New York Times >
 < ideas cross to those of most other people >
specifically : mutually opposed
 < working at cross purposes >
4. : involving mutual interchange : reciprocal
 < a system of cross payments was worked out by the two governments >
 a. archaic : contentious, fractious, perverse, contrarious
 b. : marked by bad temper and irritable disposition : easily vexed : snappish, grumpy, peevish
  < a woman who feels that her future is uncertain … can be … cross with her husband and children — Harrison Smith >
  < a cross answer >
6. : extending over, covering, or treating several categories, groups, conditions, or classes — used chiefly in adjective-noun compounds
 < a cross-cultural perspective >
 < cross sample records of … 1800 children — American Child >
7. : crossbred, hybrid; specifically : heterozygous for a recessive character
Synonyms: see irascible
IV. preposition
Etymology: by shortening
: across
 < the daily flight of an eagle back and forth cross the river to its nest — American Guide Series: Texas >
V. adverb
Etymology: in sense 1, short for across; in other senses, partly from cross (I), partly, from cross (III)
1. archaic : from side to side : across, athwart
2. archaic : contrariwise, unfavorably
3. : not parallel : crosswise, crisscross — used chiefly with verbs
 < to cross-wind wire on a spool >




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