单词 | ecstasy |
释义 | ec·sta·sy I. also ec·sta·cy 1. < in an ecstasy of pain — Ludwig Bemelmans > < whose eyes kept sweeping in an ecstasy of fear from side to side — Irwin Shaw > 2. < sending their shrill, diamond-hard cries of ecstasy streaming across the streets — Kay Cicellis > or in a profound calm or abstraction of mind < a state of quiet ecstasy which illuminated his whole being — E.S.Bates > 3. < at the sight of a crucifix … she would at once fall into an ecstasy — Norman Douglas > Synonyms: < this picture of Fra Angelico in a state of religious ecstasy — Time > < these were thrilling words, and wound up Catherine's feelings to the highest points of ecstasy — Jane Austen > < such a success threw us into a perfect ecstasy of hilarity — Ben Riker > < their faces were fixed in a calm ecstasy of malevolence — Elinor Wylie > < a drunken ecstasy, compounded of superstition, green, bloodlust, seized upon the hundreds of servitors of the goddess — Maurice Samuel > rapture implies intense bliss or beatitude, sometimes connoting an accompanying ecstasy < he was familiar with the passionate rapture of lovers on the stage, in books, and in pictures — William Black > < he put little of this personal rapture of holiness into his published works — P.E.More > < continual ups and downs of rapture and depression — Edith Wharton > transport applies to any violent or powerful emotion that lifts one out of oneself and usually provokes vehement expression < thronged about him and embraced and kissed him, with such joy and transport, as he said, that he always looked upon that moment as the happiest of his life — Van Wyck Brooks > < a periodical that is weekly moved to transports of delight about contemporary America — Bruce Bliven b.1889 > < the first transports of love > II. < the most ecstasied order of holy … spirits — Jeremy Taylor > III. |
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