

单词 educate
释义 ed·u·cate
\ˈejəˌkāt, usu -ād.+V\ verb
Etymology: Middle English educaten, from Latin educatus, past participle of educare to rear, bring up, educate, from e- + -ducare (from ducere to lead) — more at tow
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to bring up (as a child or animal) : rear
 a. : to develop (as a person) by fostering to varying degrees the growth or expansion of knowledge, wisdom, desirable qualities of mind or character, physical health, or general competence especially by a course of formal study or instruction : provide or assist in providing with knowledge or wisdom, moral balance, or good physical condition especially by means of a formal education
  < more things than a formal schooling serve to educate a man >
  < educate their children by tutors >
  < educated rather by wide experience than by books >
  < the poverty of the institutions which educate her mind and her body — Virginia Woolf >
  : provide with formal schooling
  < educated at a prep school and then at college >
 b. : to train by formal instruction and supervised practice especially in a trade, skill, or profession
  < educates physically handicapped children for useful work — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  < educate a dog to sit up and beg >
  < felt that he needed to educate himself more before he could understand the larger machines the factory operated >
 c. : to provide with information : inform
  < can … educate himself as to the most desirable attributes of the good field-trial dog — W.F.Brown b. 1903 >
 d. : to bring about an improvement in or refinement of
  < one of the most important arenas for the exercise of intelligence, in purging and educating our values — P.W.Bridgman >
  < psychoanalysis has educated our sensibilities — Abram Kardiner >
 a. : accustom
  < the absence of an accustomed stimulant to which she had educated his nerves — Francis Hackett >
  (1) : to condition or persuade to feel, believe, or react in a particular way by providing with often selective information or knowledge
   < spent some time trying to educate the club membership to place more responsibility and trust in the club officers >
   < educate stockholders and keep them eager to support the companies they own — Time >
   < educate people to call the police without hesitation — V.A.Leonard >
   < furniture manufacturers … put on a national drive to educate people to desire homes that are more attractive and livable — N.C.Brown >
  (2) : to make willing to accept (as by providing with knowledge, information, or experience) — used with in or to
   < educating the leaders in the wisdom of a change — L.S.B.Leakey >
   < people of the world are more educated to international organization — André Schenker >
   < educate the Filipinos to the necessity of giving blood — Irene Kuhn >
4. : to make (as a person) competent in the handling of or in dealing with by preparation, discipline, or expansion of knowledge or competence — used with to and a secondary object
 < a greater moral perceptiveness and a will educated to a new social responsibility — Lucius Garvin >
 a. : to remove (as from a person's makeup) by education — used with out of
  < the fundamental preference for one's own race and breed neither is wholly educated into one nor can be wholly educated out of one — Katharine F. Gerould >
  < educate bad manners out of a child >
 b. : to raise (as to a higher social or cultural level) by education
  < educating underprivileged children up to a better level of opportunity >
intransitive verb
: to educate a person, a thing, or a group
 < the belief that a teacher should confine himself to educating and avoid proselytizing >
Synonyms: see teach




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