释义 |
edul·co·rate \ə̇ˈdəlkəˌrāt, ēˈ-\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: New Latin edulcoratus, past participle of edulcorare, blend of Late Latin edulcare to sweeten (from Latin e- + Late Latin dulcare to sweeten, from Latin dulcis sweet) and dulcorare to sweeten, from dulcor sweetness, from Latin dulcis — more at dulcet 1. obsolete : to make (food) sweet 2. archaic : to free from acids, salts, or other soluble substances by washing 3. : to free from harshness (as of attitude) : make pleasant < cozened and flattered and edulcorated the Turks — Vincent Sheean > • edul·co·ra·tion \ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈrāshən\ noun -s |