释义 |
pur·lieu \ˈpərl(ˌ)yü, -(ˌ)lü\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English purlewe, modification (influenced by Middle French lieu place) of Anglo-French puralé, puralee perambulation, from Old French, past participle of puraler, poraler to go through, from pur, por for, through + aler to go — more at purchase, alley, lieu 1. : afforested land severed from an English royal forest by perambulation and disafforested so as to remit to the former owners their rights subject to various forest laws and restrictions 2. a. : a place of resort : haunt b. purlieus plural : confines, bounds 3. a. : a locality, region, or other place just beyond or sometimes just within given bounds : an outlying or adjacent district b. purlieus plural : environs, neighborhood |