

单词 elastic
释义 elas·tic
I. \ə̇ˈlastik, ēˈ-, -laas-, -tēk sometimes chiefly Brit -lȧs-\ adjective
Etymology: New Latin elasticus expansive, impulsive, from Late Greek elastos ductile, beaten (from Greek elaunein to drive, beat out) + Latin -icus -ic; akin to Greek elan to drive, Old Irish luid went, and perhaps to Armenian elanim I become
 a. of a solid : capable of recovering size and shape after deformation
 b. of a liquid : capable of resisting compression
 c. of a gas : capable of indefinite expansion
2. : capable of recovering quickly from low spirits, disappointment, or misfortune
 < a very cheerful and elastic gentleman — T.L.Peacock >
: marked by buoyancy : resilient
 < one called the young Indians “boys”, perhaps because there was something youthful and elastic in their bodies — Willa Cather >
3. : capable of being easily stretched or expanded and of snapping back or resuming former shape : flexible
 < a brave old Panama hat … so elastic that upon rolling it up it sprang into perfect shape again — Herman Melville >
 a. : capable of ready change or easy expansion
  < left as elastic as possible the constitution of the new institutions — P.J.Noel-Baker >
  : not rigid or constricted
  < the word democratic is doubtless one of the most elastic in the language — D.D.McKean >
 b. : receptive to new ideas and willing to modify previous judgments : adaptable
  < the French mind is elastic and French public opinion tolerant to a degree which shames the prejudice of other peoples — W.C.Brownell >
5. : enlarging or decreasing readily in demand in response to changes in price
 < the market is a fixed one in certain ways and quite elastic in other ways — Charles Yerkow >
 expansive, resilient, buoyant, volatile, effervescent: elastic may indicate an ability to recover quickly from discouragement or dejection and enjoy optimism or elation again
  < the buoyant and elastic temper of the French trouveur — J.R.Green >
  < an elastic faculty of throwing off such recollections as would be too painful for endurance — Nathaniel Hawthorne >
  < to him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning — H.D.Thoreau >
  expansive may imply high spirits, optimism, benevolence, geniality, and communicativeness
  < an expansive mood is one of the most familiar and sometimes costly first responses to a Florida winter sun. The person noted for taciturnity in his home community often becomes loquacious — American Guide Series: Florida >
  resilient may stress speed of return to accustomed good or high spirits after stress, tribulation, or depression
  < already the shock and horror of it was fading from her resilient mind — Ruth Park >
  < good fighters, outspoken and tenacious of opinion, unsparing in attack, refusing to be browbeaten, resilient and tough as seasoned hickory — V.L.Parrington >
  buoyant may indicate a temperamental lightness of spirit incapable of lasting dejection or depression
  < in the dark days of the Revolution there was a buoyant American spirit — Encyc. Americana >
  < no such immaterial burden could depress that buoyant-hearted young gentleman for many hours together — George Eliot >
  volatile suggests lightness, levity, gaiety, or flightiness overcoming the sedate, serious, sober, or downcast
  < how different from the volatile Polynesian in this, as in all other respects, is our grave and decorous North American Indian — Herman Melville >
  < was suspected of levity, irreverence, disregard, and affectation. He was too volatile; he talked too much — John o' London's Weekly >
  effervescent suggests a bubbling liveliness and boisterousness over which restraint or suppression is unlikely or impossible
  < an effervescent sort of chap with an enthusiasm that takes off like a rocket — Richard Joseph >
Synonym: see in addition flexible.
II. noun
 a. : elastic web
 b. : a fabric that is woven usually of yarns containing rubber and that is used especially for girdles and elastic hose
 c. : something made from such fabric; especially : garter 1 — usually used in plural
2. : easily stretched rubber usually prepared in cords, strings, or bands: as
 a. : rubber band
 b. : a band of elastic placed around a tooth at the gum line in effecting its nonsurgical extraction




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