

单词 ellipsis
释义 el·lip·sis
\-psə̇s\ noun
(plural ellip·ses \-pˌsēz\)
Etymology: Greek elleipsis, literally, condition of falling short, defect, from elleipein to leave in, leave out, fall short (from el- — from en in — + leipein to leave) + -sis — more at in, loan
1. : ellipse
2. [Latin, from Greek elleipsis]
  (1) : omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete (as in “all had turned out as expected” for “all had turned out as had been expected”)
   < fine examples of Shakespearean compression and ellipsis — F.R.Leavis >
   < a writer … whose very syntax is warm with the ellipsis of spoken speech — Robert Phelps >
   < uses ellipsis for poetic and comic effects — Times Literary Supplement >
  (2) : an instance of such omission : a grammatical construction marked by ellipsis
   < the poem's striking ellipses offer no impediment to the reader's ear >
   < a crisp spare style abounding in ellipses >
  (3) : the practice or use of ellipsis
   < a writer much given to ellipsis >
 b. : omission of an element (as from a train of thought or a speech) either fortuitously or for artistic effect : a leap or sudden passage without logical connectives, from one topic to another
  < a complicated recital … full of grunts and ellipses — Hamilton Basso >
  < ellipsis of both syntax and sense — Robert Browning >
3. : marks or a mark (as … or *** or ———) showing omission of letters, words, or other material — compare suspension periods




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