释义 |
qual·i·fy I. \-fī\ verb (-ed/-ing/-es) Etymology: Middle French qualifier, from Medieval Latin qualificare, from Latin qualis of what kind + -ficare -fy — more at quality transitive verb 1. a. : to reduce from a general, undefined, or comprehensive to a particular or restricted form : modify, limit < statements were explained and qualified in the author's lectures — H.O.Taylor > b. : to make less harsh or strict : moderate, soften < time qualifies the spark and fire — Shakespeare > < the power to regulate commerce could not be cut down or qualified — O.W.Holmes †1935 > c. obsolete : to maintain in proper condition : control d. : to alter the strength or flavor of (a liquid) < coffee qualified with cognac > < an infusion useful to qualify the rest — Havelock Ellis > e. : to limit or modify the meaning of (as a noun or verb or adjective) 2. : to characterize by naming an attribute : describe, designate < cannot qualify it as … either glad or sorry — T.S.Eliot > 3. a. : to give the required qualities to : fit especially for an office or privilege < his skills qualify him for the job > < the cisterns qualify the farms for a Class A … rating — Don Cunnion > b. obsolete : to endow with qualities < a mind excellently qualified — Robert Greene > c. (1) : to declare competent or adequate as meeting set standards : certify < qualify every candidate who can meet the requirements — H.G.Armstrong > < certificates … qualifying their meat — S.N.Behrman > (2) : to invest (a person) with legal capacity : license is < qualified to practice law in this state > (3) : to give legal power to by administering an oath : swear in < qualify a jury > intransitive verb 1. : to become fit (as for an employment) : become capable : measure up to or meet a set standard or requirement < expects to qualify for the position > < qualifies as a complete man of letters — Selden Rodman > < approved land drainage qualifies for a government grant — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox > 2. : to obtain legal or competent power or capacity by taking oath or giving bond or complying with the necessary forms or conditions < qualifies by court order as an executor — R.B.Gehman > < have just qualified as barristers — British Book News > 3. a. : to exhibit in a game or sport a required degree of ability in one or more preliminary contests (as heats in a race or rounds in a golf tournament) b. : to fire a score that makes one eligible for the award of a marksmanship badge Synonyms: see moderate, prepare II. noun (-es) : a gambling game played with five dice usually for merchandise or small cash prizes in which the caster tries in five rolls to amass as many as possible of as high a number as possible |