释义 |
emen·da·tion \(ˌ)ēˌmenˈdāshən, ˌēmən-, ˌeˌmen-, ˌemə-, ə̇ˌmen-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English emendatioun, from Latin emendation-, emendatio, from emendatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act of emending : correction 2. a. : corrections or alterations made in the emending (as of a text) < a manuscript full of emendations > b. : the word or the matter substituted for incorrect or unsuitable matter in an emended work < I have retained all such emendations — Bernard De Voto > 3. obsolete : compensation 4. a. : an alteration of the spelling of a taxonomic name < Agchylostoma is an invalid emendation of Ancylostoma > b. : a redefinition of a taxon that alters the composition of that taxon < many taxonomists reject any emendation of Compositae that puts the thistles in a separate family > |