单词 | emphatic |
释义 | em·phat·ic 1. a. < an emphatic word > < an emphatic argument > b. < even more emphatic is the chapter … which comes out frankly for rescuing the Adirondack country from destruction at the hands of eager tourists — C.L.Carmer > < unfolding a still more vast and emphatic display in blue and yellow — Dorothy L. Sayers > < this document, which may be termed New Jersey's first constitution, contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty — American Guide Series: New Jersey > c. < the point is one worth being rather emphatic about — A.A.Hill > 2. a. < a little emphatic man — Charles Dickens > < I wish I were unflinching and emphatic, and had big, bushy eyebrows and a Message for the Age — L.P.Smith > b. < used an emphatic blue pencil freely — W.L.McAtee > 3. a. < some emphatic feather or brooch — John Galsworthy > < government of the United States had been so commonly on dead center, with not even a party able to enact its wish, that its contrast to government by parliament and cabinet was emphatic — F.L.Paxson > b. < the line of tall fir trees at the lake's edge casting their emphatic shadows on the ice — Jean Stafford > 4. of a linguistic form < the emphatic article in Samoan > especially 5. of some Semitic consonants • em·phat·i·cal·ly • em·phat·i·cal·ness |
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