释义 |
quar·ter·ly I. \R ˈkwȯr]d.ərlē, ]tər-, -li sometimes by r-dissimilation -ȯ]; -R -ȯd.]əl-, -ȯt], ]əl-\ adverb Etymology: Middle English, from quarter (I) + -ly, adverb suffix 1. a. : in heraldic quarters or quarterings : in four or more divisions — used of an escutcheon b. : in diagonally opposite quarters of an escutcheon < two coats of arms borne quarterly > 2. : at three-month intervals : every quarter < interest is compounded quarterly > II. adjective Etymology: quarter (I) + -ly, adjective suffix 1. : computed for or payable at three-month intervals < a quarterly insurance premium > : recurring, issued, or spaced at three-month intervals < a quarterly meeting > < a quarterly notice > 2. archaic : moving in an oblique or quartering direction < a quarterly wind > 3. : divided into heraldic quarters or quarterings and specified by number if other than four < quarterly of six > III. noun (-es) : a periodical that is published four times a year |