释义 |
quar·tet noun or quar·tette \(ˈ)kwȯr|tet, -ȯ(ə)|t-, usu -ed.+V\ (-s) Etymology: alteration (influenced by -et or -ette) of quartetto 1. a. : a musical composition or movement in four parts each performed by a single voice or instrument; specifically : an instrumental piece in sonata form usually for four stringed instruments < composed a quartet > b. : the group of four performers of such four-part music < woodwind quartet > c. : a performance of such a composition 2. : a group consisting of four < a quartet of articles — Times Literary Supplement > < in some places no murder trial is complete without its pair or quartet of differing experts — Walter Goodman > 3. : any one of the four sets of micromeres cut off in spirally cleaving eggs with determinate cleavage in sequence from the four macromeres produced by the first two cleavage divisions |