

单词 end
释义 end
I. \ˈend\ noun
Etymology: Middle English ende, from Old English; akin to Old High German enti end, Old Norse endir, Gothic andeis end, Latin ante before, Greek anti against, Sanskrit anta end, Hittite hanz front
  (1) : the portion of an area or territory that lies at or by the termination and that often serves as a delimitation or boundary; specifically : a section of a city not within the center portion
   < the East End of London >
  (2) : the extreme, ultimate, or most remote section or area
   < a criminal hunted to the very ends of the earth >
  (1) : a point that marks the extent of something : limit
   < no end of good things >
   < gifts without end showered upon the newcomers >
  (2) : the point where something possessed of or exhibiting temporal progression ceases to exist
   < the end of the fiscal year >
   < the end of a bullet's flight >
  (1) : a narrow, sharp, or pointed part of something longitudinal or slender
   < the end of a pencil >
   < the ends of a pole >
   < the dangerous end of a knife >
  (2) : the extreme or last part lengthwise
   < the end of a board >
   < end of a garden >
   < end of a rope >
   < the rear end of an automobile >
  (1) : the terminal unit of someting spatial that is marked off by or exhibits a progression of units
   < the end of a series >
  (2) : the portion of a distillate (as from petroleum) at either extremity of its distillation range
   < the light or low ends are the most volatile portions >
  (3) : end man
  (4) : a player stationed at the extremity of a line or team (as in football)
  (1) : the heading of a barrel or the lid of a metal can or drum
  (2) : either half of a domino face
  (3) : either extremity of a cricket pitch
   < batsmen changing ends after a run >
 a. : cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity
  < the end of a war >
  < working and never seeing the end in sight >
  (1) : termination of being : death
   < an opponent of taxation until his very end >
  (2) : the dissolution of structural or functional existence : destruction, demolition
   < a freighter that met its end in a hurricane >
  (1) : the ultimate state : final condition
   < the end being utter oblivion >
  (2) : the result of an activity : issue
   < the end of the matter being general agreement >
 d. : the complex of events, parts, or sections that forms an extremity, termination, or finish
  < the frontal attacks that marked the end of the war >
3. : something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersize: as
 a. : a leftover or scrap : remnant
  < the ends of meat >
  — see odds and ends
 b. : a short or half piece of cloth — see mill end
 c. : a deal or batten of timber less than eight feet long
 a. : an outcome worked toward especially with forethought, deliberate planning, and organized effort : purpose
  < the end being complete mastery of the subject >
  < a politician working to the end that all debts be paid off >
  (1) : the goal, ultimate intention, or purpose for the attainment of which an agent does something or ought to be acting
  (2) : the object by virtue of which or the objective for the sake of which an event or a series of events happens or is said to take place : a final cause
 a. : a particular duty : share in an undertaking — used with keep and up
  < he was able to keep his end up >
 b. : a department or particular phase of an undertaking, business, or organization
  < the advertising end of insurance >
 a. : a unit or turn in shooting (as in archery)
 b. : an inning in a game played from one limit of a course toward the other (as in bowls)
  (1) : a warp thread or yarn
  (2) : a single sliver, roving, or yarn while in the process of manufacture on a textile machine
 b. : waxed end
8. : the number of arrows (as three in England and six in America) shot by an archer during his turn
 termination, ending, terminus: end, the most common and most inclusive of the terms, may apply to the finish or the final limit in nearly any application
  < the end of a meal >
  < the end of a book >
  < the end of a road >
  < the end of a life >
  < the end of a play >
  < the end of a journey >
  < the end of a friendship >
  < the end of one's endurance >
  termination or ending usually applies to an end in time or, less often, in space, of something that is brought to a close as by having set bounds or by being completed or no longer purposeful, ending often also including a portion prior to the exact terminal point
  < the termination of a lease >
  < the termination of a moratorium >
  < the ending of a play >
  < the ending of vacation >
  < to change the ending of a song >
  < a long ending to a symphony >
  terminus applies to an end, usually a definite point or place, to which something moves or progresses or beyond which it does not go
  < the modern city hall is the terminus of the tour >
  < an airline terminus >
  < the northern terminus of the natural-gas pipeline >
  < the eighth grade is for many the terminus of religious teaching — C.T.H.Sherlock >
Synonym: see in addition intention.

- end for end
- end of one's rope
- in the end
- no end
- on end
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English enden, from Old English endian; akin to Old High German entōn to end, Old Norse enda; denominative from the root of English end (I)
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to carry out : perform fully
 a. : to bring to an end : terminate
  < the speech ended the ceremonies >
 b. : to bring about the death of : kill
  < if he love another, may panthers end him — W.B.Yeats >
3. : to make up the end of : constitute the last element of
 < k ends the word back >
 < a brass band ended the parade >
4. : to place on end : upend
5. : to stand as the supreme example of — usually used in the infinitive
 < a novel to end all novels >
6. : to attach the top and bottom pieces of (a set-up paper box)
 < containers ended by hand >
intransitive verb
 a. : to come to an end : reach a final or ultimate point
  < the song ended on a high note >
  — often used with up
  < the party ends up with dancing >
  or in
  < his efforts ended in failure >
 b. : to come to a conclusion or ultimate state or situation
  < the poem stops rather than ends >
  — often used with up
  < the whole gang ended up in jail >
2. : die
 < his parents ended in the … gas ovens — Joseph Alsop >
— sometimes used with up
Synonyms: see close
III. transitive verb
Etymology: probably alteration of in (III), v.
now dialect England : to put (grain or hay) into a barn or stack
IV. abbreviation
endorsed; endorsement




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