释义 |
en·dorse·ment \ə̇nˈdȯrsmənt, en-, -ȯ(ə)s-\ noun (-s) 1. : the act or process of writing on the back of a note, bill, or other written instrument 2. a. : something that is written (as a name or an order for or a receipt of payment) on the back of a note, bill, or other document; especially : a writing usually on the back but sometimes on the face of a negotiable instrument by which the property therein is assigned and transferred b. : a provision added to an insurance contract altering its scope or application that takes precedence over printed portions of the policy in conflict therewith 3. a. : sanction, support, approval < the president's wholehearted endorsement of a policy > < against his father's judgment but with his mother's sympathetic endorsement, he decided to be a missionary — K.S.Latourette > b. : recommendation 4. : a reply, comment, or forwarding note added to a letter by an officer or headquarters staff in military communication |