释义 |
en·glish I. \ˈi]ŋglish, -lēsh also ]ŋl- sometimes ˈe]\ adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Middle English, from Old English englisc, from Engle, plural, Angles + -isc -ish 1. : of or from England : of the kind or style prevalent in England < English earth > < fine English tailoring > < English customs > — often used in English-speaking areas outside the British isles to identify that one of two or more kinds of plant or animal sharing a common vernacular to which the vernacular is applied in England without regard to actual prevalence or origin < English catchfly > < English cherry wood > 2. : of, relating to, or characteristic of the English language < beauties of English expression > < English studies > < a literal English translation > < vagaries of the English colloquial idiom > 3. : british II. noun (-es ; see sense 2) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English englisc, from englisc, adjective 1. capitalized a. : the language of the people of England and the United States and most of the British colonies and dominions — see anglo-saxon, middle english, old english, indo-european languages table b. : a particular variety of English (as that characteristic of a nation, locality, class of people, or an individual) distinguished by peculiarities (as of pronunciation, vocabulary, idiom, syntax, or style) < speaking a beautiful precise English > < the archaic English that often lingers in isolated communities > < the comparative informality of American English > < the English of the gutter > c. : English language, literature, or composition or a part thereof regarded as a field of study or teaching < most colleges require all freshmen to take a course in English > < he found English a difficult subject > 2. plural in construction, capitalized : the people of England; especially : native Englishmen irrespective of residence < the chill formality of the English is no more than a caricaturist's generalization > < the English and their tea are matched by the Swedes and their coffee > 3. usually capitalized a. : an English translation or rendering : the English equivalent (as of a foreign word) < tell me the English for gluteus > sometimes : crib, pony b. : idiomatic or intelligible English; often : the plain sense of something obscure, involved, technical, or pedantic < give me the English of it > — compare greek 2 c 4. often capitalized : an old size of type approximately 2 points larger than pica 5. usually capitalized : a spinning or rotary motion round the vertical axis given to a ball by striking it to the right or left of its center (as in pool) or by releasing it in such a way as to produce this rotary motion (as in bowling) — called also side III. \“, chiefly in pres part -ləsh\ verb (-ed/-ing/-es) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Middle English englishen, from english, adjective & noun transitive verb 1. : to translate into English < regretfully spent his holiday englishing 500 lines of Virgil > 2. obsolete : to interpret or set forth plainly < those gracious acts … may be Englished, more properly, acts of fear and dissimulation — John Milton > 3. : to adopt into English : anglicize < our language expands chiefly by coining new words and englishing the words already in other languages > intransitive verb : to be translatable into English IV. adverb Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: english (I) obsolete : englishly |