

单词 radiate
释义 ra·di·ate
I. \ˈrādēˌāt, usu -ād.+V\ verb
Etymology: Latin radiatus, past participle of radiare to furnish with rays, emit rays, from radius ray — more at ray
intransitive verb
1. : to send out rays of or as if of light : shine brightly
 < in the last white-hot phase of its collapse, the sun would begin to radiate as a star — F.L.Whipple >
 < a radiating focus of goodwill — R.L.Stevenson >
2. : to issue in rays or as if in rays : move, traverse, emanate or be sent out from a focal point
 < light radiates >
 < heat radiates >
 < influences radiating from Paris — H.O.Taylor >
 < the system of patronage … provided a fixed center from which their work could radiate over society — C.D.Lewis >
3. : to proceed or be arranged in a direct line from or toward a center in the manner of a radius
 < the web of little wrinkles that radiated from the corners of her eyes — Hamilton Basso >
 < streets radiating from a square >
4. : to evolve by radiation
 < remarkably endowed creatures … radiated with amazing rapidity into a diversity of forms — L.C.Eiseley >
transitive verb
1. : to send out in or as if in rays
 < the sun radiates light and heat >
 < his blithe, buoyant personality radiated joy of life and goodwill — F.H.Garrison >
 < seems to radiate power and vitality — James Hewitt >
 < include … a man radiating peace, joy and wisdom — Henry Miller >
2. : irradiate
3. : to spread abroad or around as if from a center : disseminate, diffuse
 < each center would then radiate influence until proper methods in science should gradually spread throughout the educational system — D.S. & Jessie K. Jordan >
4. : to broadcast by radio or television
 < to radiate a program >
Synonyms: see spread
II. \-ēə̇]t, -ēˌā], usu ]d.+V\ adjective
Etymology: Latin radiatus furnished with rays, from past participle of radiare to furnish with rays, emit rays
: having rays or radial parts : radiated, radial: as
 a. : having ray flowers — used of the head in many plants of the family Compositae; compare discoid 2
  (1) : characterized by radial symmetry
   < a radiate structure in an animal >
  (2) : relating to the Radiata
 c. : radial 2b
III. noun
Etymology: New Latin Radiata
: one of the Radiata




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