释义 |
en·tab·la·ture \ə̇n.ˈtabləˌchu̇(ə)r, en-, -ˌchu̇ə, -lə̇chə(r), -lə.ˌtyu̇-, -lə.ˌtu̇-\ noun Etymology: obsolete French, modification of Italian intavolatura, from intavolato (past participle of intavolare to put on a board or table, from in- — from Latin in- in- (II) — + tavola board, table, from Latin tabula) + -ura -ure — more at table 1. : an architecturally treated wall consisting of the architrave, the frieze, and the cornice that in classical architecture rests upon the capitals of the columns and supports the pediment or roof plate according to its position on the front or flank of the building; also : a similar part in a post-and-lintel construction 2. : an elevated support for certain parts of a machine (as the upper portion of a forging press)
[1 entablature, 2 cornice, 3 frieze, 4 architrave] |