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rag I. \ˈrag, ˈraa(ə)g, ˈraig\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English ragge, from (assumed) Old English ragg (whence Old English raggig raggy), from Old Norse rögg tuft, shagginess — more at rug 1. a. : a waste piece of cloth torn or cut off (as from a fabric or garment) : tatter b. rags plural : remnants of used or unused cloth and discarded clothing c. rags plural : clothes < sumptuous rags … cover her emaciated body — Otis Fellows > < his neat black suit … among the colored rags of the other passengers — Dan Jacobson > especially : poor or ragged clothing — often used in the phrase in rags < accosted by a beggar in rags > d. : a small cloth; especially : one devoted to a particular use — usually used in combination < washrag > < dishrag > 2. a. : an unevenly shaped or torn fragment : shred < rags of meat > < a rag of cloud > < rags of land > < rags of bark > b. : scrap, remnant < still clinging … to some rag of honor — R.L.Stevenson > < tearing their arguments to rags > < not a rag of legality > < not a rag of evidence against him > 3. : something resembling a rag in appearance: as a. : sail < a clipper with every rag set — J.R.Lowell > b. : the stringy axis of and the white fibrous membrane investing the pulp and sectional divisions of a citrus fruit c. : something without strength or stamina < kept … on the jump and left her a rag — W.D.Steele > 4. : something resembling a rag in low worth or repute: as a. : a person held in low esteem < washed-out rag he'd been dragging to dances — Martin Dibner > b. : depreciated paper money c. : a low or worthless playing card 5. a. : a ragged edge; specifically : one left by a cutting tool in metalworking b. : a fin or burr on cast metal 6. : newspaper, periodical II. noun (-s) Etymology: origin unknown 1. : any of various hard rocks (as a quartzose mica schist used for whetstones or a hard limestone used in building) < coral rag > < walls of yellowish, gravelly rag — F.D.Ommanney > 2. : a large roofing slate left rough on one side III. verb (ragged \-gd\ ; ragged ; ragging ; rags) Etymology: origin unknown transitive verb 1. : to rail at : scold < ragging the government — J.A.Michener > < ragging a waiter because the toast was cold — Leonard Merrick > 2. a. : to persecute in petty ways : torment, annoy < gave my form a punishment for ragging him — R.G.G.Price > b. : to make fun of or find fault with good-naturedly : tease, chaff < ragged each other about that all day long — F.M.Ford > intransitive verb chiefly Britain : to engage in horseplay (as in a school dormitory) < rag in the corridors at night — Cyril Connolly > IV. noun (-s) 1. chiefly Britain a. : an outbreak of boisterous and usually mischievous merrymaking (as of students in the streets after a football match) : a student riot b. : a traditional student revel at British universities marked by playful disorder, comic pageantry, and mockery of the authorities 2. chiefly Britain : prank, hoax < rags and japes — Thomas Wood †1950 > < quite serious … no rag — E.F.Benson > V. transitive verb (ragged ; ragged ; ragging ; rags) Etymology: origin unknown 1. : to break (ore) into lumps for sorting 2. : to cut or dress roughly (as a grindstone) VI. noun (-s) Etymology: by shortening 1. : ragtime 2. : a dance in ragtime VII. verb (ragged ; ragged ; ragging ; rags) transitive verb : to play (a musical composition) in ragtime intransitive verb : to dance to ragtime music |