

单词 epicurean
释义 ep·i·cu·re·an
I. \|epə̇kyə|rēən, -pēk-, -|kyu̇rē-\ adjective
Etymology: Latin Epicureus (from Greek Epikoureios, from Epikouros) + English -an
1. usually capitalized : of Epicurus or Epicureanism
 a. : given to the pursuit of pleasure or to the attainment of sensuous gratification : sensual
  < an epicurean family >
 b. : stimulating and satisfying to the senses
  < epicurean dishes >
 c. : of or relating to an epicure : luxurious
  < an epicurean life >
Synonyms: see sensuous
II. noun
1. usually capitalized : a follower of Epicurus
2. often capitalized : epicure 3
 < his adventures … had wasted his spirit, leaving him morally languid, a graceful and prudent epicurean — Francis Hackett >
3. usually capitalized : apikores




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