

单词 crude
释义 crude
I. \ˈkrüd\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin crudus raw — more at raw
1. : in a natural state : not cooked or prepared by fire or heat : not altered or prepared for use by any process : raw
 < crude flesh >
: not refined
 < crude sugar >
 < crude rubber >
2. obsolete : undigested : not digestible : not brought into a form to give nourishment
3. obsolete : unripe : not mature or perfect : immature, undeveloped
 < I come to pluck your berries harsh and crude — John Milton >
4. : marked by the primitive, gross, or elemental or by the most readily apprehended : wanting subtlety, nuance, or complexity : low in perception, analysis, or appreciation
 < a crude notion >
 < a crude theory >
 < it was there that the crude dogmatism of New England was refined and humanized — H.L.Mencken >
5. : marked by uncultivated simplicity : wanting in elegance, discrimination, or polish especially in choice of words or figures
 < cruder, because less capable of expressing complicated, subtle, and surprising emotions — T.S.Eliot >
: noticeable or offensive for vulgarity
 < crude barracks conversations >
: harshly loud : grating : unpleasant through lack of modulation or relief
 < the China asters smear their crude colors — Amy Lowell >
6. : quite oblivious or contemptuous of the refined or elevated
 < the crude masses of Teutondom which poured into Provincia to be leavened by its culture — H.O.Taylor >
7. : rough or inexpert in plan or execution : wanting advanced technical skill in contrivance and elegance in effect
 < the cruder means of transportation, by wooden ships propelled by the wind … by oxcart — A.C.Morrison >
8. : lacking any covering, glossing, concealing, or masking : lacking mitigation, alleviation, or reservation : obvious, sheer, utter, bald, stark
 < crude facts >
 < crude necessity >
 < crude sensation >
 < not the crude beauty of the eye. It was not beauty pure and simple — Virginia Woolf >
9. archaic : constituting the part of a word that remains constant or nearly constant throughout a paradigm : being the base to which inflectional affixes are attached
 < the stem or crude form of a word >
10. of statistics : tabulated without breaking down into classes
 < crude death rate >
11. of animal feedstuffs : reacting like members of a particular class of nutrients to certain identifying tests though not necessarily chemically a member of such class
 < crude protein includes all the nitrogenous compounds of a feed >
 < crude fat is high in this analysis but digestible fats are low >
Synonyms: see rude
II. noun
: a substance in its natural unprocessed state: as
 a. : crude oil
 b. : initial products of distillation of crude oil without cracking or other treatment
 c. : a crude substance (as benzene, toluene, xylene, cresol, naphthalene, anthracene, or carbazole) distilled from coal tar




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