

单词 random
释义 ran·dom
I. \ˈrandəm, ˈraan-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English randoun, raundon, random, from Middle French randon (as in de randon, a randon with impetuosity), from Old French, from randir to run, gallop, of Germanic origin; akin to German dialect (Bavarian & Alemannic) rand run, running, from stem of Old High German rinnan to run — more at run
1. obsolete : force, impetuosity
2. : a haphazard course : chance progress
3. obsolete
 a. : the range of a gun or projectile
 b. : the elevation given to a gun
4. : bank III 3b

- at random
II. adverb
: in a random manner : at random — usually used in combination
 < random-jointed >
III. adjective
1. : lacking or seeming to lack a regular plan, purpose, or pattern
 < random thoughts laid hold of him — George Meredith >
 < a random assortment of vases, ivory elephants and other … ornaments — Robert Shaplen >
 < random brick and timber panels — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
 < random widths >
 a. : marked by absence of bias : chosen at random
  < a true random sample of the whole list — Daniel Melcher & Nancy Larrick >
  < placing a finger on a random passage — Charlton Laird >
 b. : involving or resulting from randomization
 c. : having the same probability of occurring as every other member of a set
  < random numbers >
 haphazard, hit-or-miss, desultory, chance, chancy, casual, happy-go-lucky: random stresses lack of definite aim, fixed goal, regular procedure, or predictable incidence
  < a random collection of literary and archeological odds and ends — Aldous Huxley >
  < the clerks become tired and bored and start making random mistakes — Martin Gardner >
  < a kitten's random play with a spool or ball >
  That which is haphazard is done according to chance or whim without regularity or order and with careless disregard for ultimate fitness or efficiency. hit-or-miss further stresses lack of aim, care, plan, or system
  < all his shop training had given him a profound prejudice against inexact work, experimental work, hit-or-miss work — C.S.Forester >
  desultory stresses lack of regularity or steadiness and suggests an erratic performance marked by false starts, lapses, breaks, shifts, or inconsistencies
  < medieval warfare was often of the nature of a mild adventure … the fighting was generally sporadic and desultory — Edwin Benson >
  < a little Latin and Greek and much outdoor life, with a desultory education got from vagrant books — V.L.Parrington >
  chance stresses complete lack of design, intent, plan, or prearrangement
  < he had never before given Cuba, under Spanish rule, a thought, but at a chance sentence it dominated him completely — Joseph Hergesheimer >
  It suggests lack of plan, reason, forethought in connection with persons encountered or objects found or discovered in various places
  < his temper grew uncertain and he found it increasingly difficult to welcome chance visitors with his usual affability — Robert Graves >
  < snatching a chance piece of billiard chalk from his pocket, he ran it across the hall floor — G.K.Chesterton >
  In reference to things and situations chancy suggests uncertainty of outcome through dependence on chance and hence implies risk or hazard
  < despite recent advances in geophysics, oil drilling is still a chancy business — H.T.Kane >
  casual suggests lack of intentness or purpose
  < his jottings are by no means casualListener >
  happy-go-lucky suggests carefree, insouciant lack of forethought or plan or cheerful, indifferent acceptance of what ensues
  < a funny little happy-go-lucky, native-managed railway — Rudyard Kipling >
  < the old happy-go-lucky methods of production — Bernard Pares >




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