

单词 ration
释义 ra·tion
I. \ˈrashən, ˈrāsh-\ noun
Etymology: French, from Latin ration-, ratio reason, computation, reasoning — more at reason
1. archaic : ratio
 a. : the food allowance of one person or one animal for one day; specifically : a fixed daily food allowance provided for the subsistence of a soldier or sailor — compare field ration, k ration
 b. rations plural : food, provisions
  < cooked two days' rations — G.R.Stewart >
  < issued rations to the needy — American Guide Series: Florida >
3. : a share especially as determined by supply : allotted or permitted amount
 < a reduction of the wartime meat ration >
 < saved up their gas ration to go on a short motor trip — MacKinlay Kantor >
 < pouring the whiskey, a neat two fingers, obviously a ration — Margery Allingham >
II. transitive verb
(rationed ; rationed ; rationing \-sh(ə)niŋ\ ; rations)
1. : to supply with rations : put on rations
 < ration the inhabitants of a besieged city >
 < the Food Administration did not ration the people — Will Irwin >
 a. : to distribute as rations : allot in rations
  < ration sugar during the emergency >
  < rationed out beef, pork, and flour, often to hundreds — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
 b. : to distribute or divide (as commodities in short supply) in an equitable manner or so as to achieve a particular object (as maximum production of particular items) — compare direct control
 c. : to use or indulge in sparingly
  < an official communiqué in which words were strictly rationedTime >
Synonyms: see apportion




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