释义 |
ra·toon I. \raˈtün\ noun (-s) Etymology: Spanish retoño sprout, shoot, from retoñar to sprout, shoot a second time, from re- + otoñar to grow in the autumn, from otoño autumn, from Latin autumnus 1. : a stalk or shoot arising from the root or crown of a perennial plant: as a. : a sugarcane sucker arising from the base of a harvested plant b. : one of the suckers arising below the developing pineapple fruit and used to produce a second crop c. : a shoot of the third generation after planting of a banana plant d. : Jamaica ginger of inferior quality consisting of small fibrous offsets of the rhizome 2. or ratoon crop : a crop (as of cotton or pineapples) produced by or on ratoon growth II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Spanish retoñar intransitive verb : to sprout or spring up from the root < some cottons ratoon freely > < sugarcane ratooning from the root of the previous year's planting > transitive verb : to grow or produce (a crop) from or on ratoons < ratoon a pineapple field > |