释义 |
eros \ˈeˌräs, ˈiˌ-, ˈēˌ-, ˈāˌ-; ˈirəs\ noun (-es ; see sense 1) Etymology: Greek erōs sexual love; akin to Greek erasthai to love, desire ardently 1. plural also ero·tes \ə̇ˈrōˌtēz, ēˈr-, eˈr-\ usually capitalized [from Eros, Greek god of love, from Greek Erōs, from erōs sexual love] : cherub 3, cupid 2. a. usually capitalized : the aggregate of pleasure-directed life instincts whose energy is derived from libido — contrasted with Thanatos b. often capitalized : aspiring self-fulfilling love often having a sensuous quality : desire, yearning < animated by the true scientific eros … for the task of scientific investigation — C.S.Peirce > < eros … calculates its relations to others from the standpoint of its own need of others — Reinhold Niebuhr > — compare agape |