释义 |
re·activate \(ˈ)rē+\ verb Etymology: re- + activate transitive verb : to activate again : cause to be again active or more active : restore to a state of activity or greater activity : make again operational and effective : revive, revivify: as a. (1) : to restore (as a military unit) to an active state (as from a state of disorganization or deactivation) (2) : to cause (as an industrial plant, a society, a program, a commission) to function again after a suspension of activity < reactivated the factory as soon as the strike was over > b. : to cause (as a repressed complex) to reappear in consciousness or behavior < persecution feelings reactivated by new social failures > c. : to cause (a quiescent disease) to become active again in an individual < tuberculosis that was reactivated by fatigue > d. : to restore complement to (an inactivated serum) by addition of fresh normal serum e. : to restore ability of (an electron tube) to emit electrons copiously from a cathode f. : to make (as a catalyst or an adsorbent) active again intransitive verb : to become active again |