释义 |
ready I. \ˈredē, -di\ adjective (usually -er/-est) Etymology: Middle English redy; akin to Old English rǣde ready, Old High German reiti, Old Norse greithr ready, Gothic garaiths ordered, Greek arariskein to fit — more at arm 1. a. (1) : prepared for something about to be done or experienced < are ready to see their father > < is ready to hear the news > (2) : prepared for immediate movement or action < the troops are ready to march > b. : equipped or supplied with what is needed for some action or event < are ready for the trip > c. : fitted, arranged, or placed for immediate use < a room is now ready for you > < dinner is ready > 2. a. (1) : prepared in mind or disposition so as to be willing and not reluctant : not hesitant : inclined, disposed < are ready to die for their country > (2) : brought into or being in such a state as to be likely to do something indicated : immediately liable : on the verge of something < seemed ready to cry > < the house looks as though it's ready to fall down > b. : spontaneously prompt : not slow < always has a ready answer for any difficulty that may arise > < with a ready smile on her lips > 3. : quick in some indicated action or perception in such a way as to be notably dexterous, adroit, or skilled < a ready wit > < a ready worker > 4. : that is immediately available or at hand : that can be had or used at once < ready assets > < ready cash > < had a gun ready > Synonyms: see quick II. adverb (usually -er/-est) Etymology: Middle English redy, from redy, adjective archaic : readily III. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) Etymology: Middle English redien, from redy, adjective : to cause to be ready : prepare < readying themselves for battle > Synonyms: see prepare IV. noun (-es) Etymology: ready (I) 1. : money on hand : ready cash < was well supplied with the ready > 2. : the state of being ready; especially : preparation of a gun (as by loading, cocking, and holding in readiness) for immediate aiming and firing < had their rifles at the ready > 3. : a left-handed strand formed by twisting together a number of right-handed yarns of which three go to form a plain-laid rope |