释义 |
rear I. \ˈri(ə)r, -iə\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English reren, from Old English rǣran; akin to Old High German rēren to cause to fall, Old Norse reisa to raise, Gothic urraisjan to arouse, raise, lift up; causative from the root of Old English rīsan to rise — more at rise transitive verb 1. a. : to erect by building : construct < reared a huge pagan temple > b. obsolete : to bring into being : produce, originate 2. a. (1) : to lift up to an erect position : set up on end : raise upright < reared a flagpole in front of the building > < rearing heavy marble columns > (2) : to lift upward especially so as to hold aloft or so as to cause to project far upward : elevate, raise < a castle that rears its towers into the sky > b. dialect chiefly England (1) : to rouse from bed or sleep (2) : to drive (game) from cover c. dialect chiefly England : to stir up to action : arouse 3. a. (1) : to breed and raise (an animal) for use or market (2) : to bring up (a person) by fostering, nourishing, and instructing < was reared in a fine family > b. : to cause (as plants, produce) to grow 4. : to cause (a horse) to rise up on the hind legs intransitive verb 1. a. : to rise up to an erect position : rise high : tower < a steeple rearing far into the sky > b. of a horse : to rise up on the hind legs 2. dialect : to come into sight : appear Synonyms: see build, lift II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English reren, of unknown origin obsolete : to slice up (as a roasted fowl) : carve III. \ˈri(ə)r, -iə\ dialect variant of rare I IV. noun (-s) Etymology: probably from rear (in such terms as rear guard) 1. : the back part of something : hindmost part: as a. : the unit (as of an army) or area farthest from the enemy b. : the part of something that is located opposite to its front < the rear of a store > < the rear of a house > < the rear of a bookcase > c. : buttocks < got kicked in the rear > 2. : the space or position behind or at the back < moved to the rear > V. adjective : being at the back or in the hindmost part : hindmost < the rear rank of a company > VI. adverb : toward or from the rear — used chiefly in combination < a rear-driven car > |