单词 | estate |
释义 | es·tate I. 1. a. < he wanted to bring painting back to its original estate — Henry Miller > < discussing what seem to me to be the primary causes behind the low estate of the public schools — M.B.Smith > < the Civil War … brought our ocean marine insurance to a very low estate — C.K.Knight > b. < a service which would visualize for womanhood its highest domestic estate — Edward Bok > < a tonic bitterness in such poems as examine man's estate — Babette Deutsch > < going to be a field supervisor and later on a district manager, and he must not arrive at his new estate uninformed — Bernard De Voto > c. obsolete 2. a. (1) obsolete (2) < a political platform appealing to people of every estate > b. obsolete (1) (2) c. obsolete 3. a. < generally the three estates of Medieval Europe consisted of the nobility, the clergy, and the merchants of the cities > — called also estate of the realm b. estates plural < the levying of taxes was subject to the consent of the estates > 4. a. < a man of small estate > b. (1) < if you don't make a will, the law makes provision for disposing of your estate for you — Have You Made a Will? > (2) < the recoverable portion of the debt does not go to the decedent's estate but to his heirs > c. < an estate for life > < an estate for years > < system of accumulation of funds for the creation of an estate for old-age security — C.M.Winslow > 5. obsolete 6. obsolete 7. a. < the proprietor of a large estate with ponds, woods, and a sizable house to retire to > b. < orange groves and avocado estates lie round about — Aubrey Drury > < European tea estates in Africa > c. Britain < trim housing estates are being built for the workers — Robert Dunnett > II. 1. obsolete 2. a. < estated half his property in his nephew > b. obsolete |
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