

单词 rebellious
释义 re·bel·lious
\-yəs\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin rebelliosus, from Latin rebellio rebellion + -osus -ous
 a. : given to or engaged in rebellion against constituted authority
  < rebellious troops >
  < a rebellious politician >
  < a rebellious student >
 b. : of, relating to, or characteristic of a rebel or rebellion
  < rebellious actions >
  < rebellious speeches >
  < rebellious times >
 c. : resisting control : hostile to authority or tradition
  < the early twentieth century was increasingly raucous, rebellious, and ribald — H.F.Mooney >
2. : resisting treatment or management : refractory, unyielding
 < eczema of long standing or which is rebellious to treatment — H.G.Armstrong >
 < bend his head and crash with his full weight into rebellious circumstances — Francis Hackett >
Synonyms: see insubordinate




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