释义 |
re·bus I. \ˈrēbəs\ noun (-es) Etymology: Latin, by things (abl. plural of res thing) — more at real 1. : a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols whose names resemble the intended words or syllables in sound; also : a riddle made up wholly or in part of such pictures or symbols < ICURYY4 me is a rebus for I see you are too wise for me > 2. : a badge that suggests the name of the person to whom it belongs — compare canting 2
 II. transitive verb (rebused ; rebused ; rebusing ; rebuses) : to mark with or indicate by a rebus < Abbot Islip's … name is rebused as an eye and the slip of a tree with the hand apparently of a slipping man hanging to it — Edward Clodd > |