

单词 recoil
释义 re·coil
I. \rə̇ˈkȯil, rēˈ-, esp before pause or consonant -ȯiəl\ verb
Etymology: Middle English reculen, recoilen, from Old French reculer, from re- + cul backside, from Latin culus — more at culet
transitive verb
obsolete : to force back : cause to retreat or withdraw
intransitive verb
 a. : to fall or draw back under the impact of force or pressure : undergo a forcing backward
  < the troops recoiled before the savage onslaught of the enemy >
 especially : to reel back
  < recoiled under the heavy blows >
 b. : to shrink back especially with a sudden movement (as in horror, fear, disgust) : move suddenly backward or away
  < opened the door and recoiled in terror >
2. archaic : to withdraw oneself (as into solitude) : go away or apart : retire
 < recoiled into the wilderness — William Wordsworth >
 a. : to spring back : rebound: as
  (1) : to fly back (as of a released spring) into an uncompressed position
  (2) : to kick back (as of a gun being fired)
 b. : to return suddenly to or as if to a source or starting point
  < their hatred recoiled on themselves >
4. obsolete : degenerate
 shrink, flinch, wince, blench, quail: recoil may indicate a drawing back, starting back, or swerving backward through fear, shock, or disgust; it may indicate an inner drawing back with emotion
  < she makes a gesture as if to touch him. He recoils impatiently — G.B.Shaw >
  < he had so great a dread of snakes that he instinctively recoiled at the sight of one — T.B.Costain >
  shrink indicates an instinctive recoil through sensitiveness, scrupulousness, or cowardice
  < when it came to telling the truth about himself he shrank from the task with all the horror of a well-bred English gentleman — Virginia Woolf >
  < a nervous avoidance of crowds, a shrinking from any change in her secluded manner of living — Ellen Glasgow >
  < to shrink from responsibility is to invite social and economic insecurity — H.G.Armstrong >
  flinch involves a recoiling, retreating, or evading when one cannot muster up resolution to face the frightening, painful, or revolting
  < all retreat was cut off, and he looked his fate in the face without flinching — John Burroughs >
  < he raised the head that lay in the dust with cautious strength, fearing that any touch might only be so much more needless pain. But there was no appearance of flinching — W.F.De Morgan >
  < did not flinch from the contemplation of the violent aggression — J.H.Plumb >
  wince applies to an involuntary starting back or away caused by sensitiveness, dread, fear, or pain
  < to bring a beaten and degraded look into a man's face, rend manhood out of him in fear, is a sight that makes decent men wince in pain; for it is an outrage on the decency of life, an offense to natural religion, a violation of the human sanctities — G.D.Brown >
  < her eyes winced for a moment as if she had become suddenly afraid — Liam O'Flaherty >
  < he winced as though she had uttered blasphemy — W.J.Locke >
  blench may refer especially to fainthearted fearful flinching
  < she had not been prepared for an attack in flank, and blenched before it — Maurice Hewlett >
  < though his death seemed near he did not blench — John Masefield >
  quail implies cowering and shrinking in fright, consternation, or defeated dejection
  < despite his professions of sanity and reason, had an inexplicable, invincible horror of death; he quailed at the mere mention of the black phantom — Norman Douglas >
  < I am never known to quail at the fury of a gale — W.S.Gilbert >
Synonym: see in addition rebound.
II. \“, ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
 a. : the action of recoiling; especially : the kickback of a gun upon being fired
 b. : the condition of having recoiled; specifically : reaction
  < the recoil from formalism is skepticism — F.W.Robertson >
2. : the extent to which something (as a gun, spring) recoils




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