释义 |
re·cord·er \rə̇ˈkȯrdər, rēˈ-, -ȯ(ə)də\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, partly from recorden to record + -er, partly from Anglo-French recordour a magistrate, from recorder to record (from Latin recordari) + -our -or 1. : one that records: as a. (1) : one whose official duty it is to make a record of writings or transactions (2) : a surveying party's noteman (3) : one that inspects and records the progress of construction work b. : a machine, instrument, or device that records (as sound, visual images) for subsequent reproduction 2. a. : the chief judicial magistrate of some British cities and boroughs having now only criminal jurisdiction b. : a judge with criminal jurisdiction of first instance and sometimes also a magistrate's civil jurisdiction in a municipality 3. a. : a fipple flute with eight finger holes — called also English flute b. : a pipe-organ stop similar in tone quality to the recorder : blockflöte 2
[recorder 3] |