释义 |
rec·ti·fi·ca·tion \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷_fə̇ˈkāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin rectification-, rectificatio, from rectificatus (past participle of rectificare to rectify) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : the act or process of making or setting right (as by correcting an error or amending a fault) < mistakes needing rectification > < interpreted this to mean the rectification of its own grievances — Harry Hansen > 2. : the determination of a straight line equal in length to a portion of a curve : the determination of the length of a given curve or of a portion of it 3. : the conversion of alternating to direct current 4. : a new alignment to correct a deviation (as of a river channel or bank) 5. : a procedure for correcting the distortions in perspective caused by the tilt of a camera during exposure by printing the negative with a compensating tilt so that vertical and horizontal lines in the reproduction have the same appearance as in the original scene 6. : a process by which distilled spirits are blended together or substantially changed by the addition usually of spirits, flavoring, or coloring material • - rectification of a globe |