

单词 rediscover
释义 re·discover
\|rē+\ transitive verb
Etymology: re- + discover
 a. : to find again
  < rediscovered the island of Madeira — H.W.Van Loon >
 b. : to arrive at independently or try to recapture by analysis (a technique or concept already discovered or once employed)
  < rediscovering the methods of the Greek sculptors — Herbert Read >
 a. : to bring to light again
  < the original Hittites, recently rediscovered by excavation and decipherment — advt >
 b. : to take new interest in or create fresh appreciation for (one fallen into low esteem)
  < Americans … have rediscovered their frontier painters — Bernard Smith >
 c. : to make new use of (a neglected asset)
  < rediscovered the Slavonic sources of their culture — Oscar Handlin >
re·discovery \“+\ noun




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