

单词 exalt
释义 ex·alt
\igˈzȯlt, eg-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English exalten, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French exalter, from Latin exaltare, from ex- ex- (I) + altus high — more at old
transitive verb
1. : to raise high : put in an eminent position : elevate
 < I will exalt my throne above the stars of God — Isa 14:13(Authorized Version) >
 < sold at exalted prices >
2. : to raise especially in rank, dignity, wealth, power, or character
 < the king exalted his victorious admiral to a place on the privy council >
: dignify
 < a nation exalted by fair dealings >
3. : to elevate by praise or in estimation
 < my father exalted dramatic poetry above all other kinds — W.B.Yeats >
: magnify, extol, glorify
 < exalt ye the Lord — Ps 99:5(Authorized Version) >
4. obsolete : to lift up (as with joy, pride, or success) : inspire with delight or satisfaction : elate
 a. : to enhance the activity of : stimulate to greater or higher activity : heighten, intensify
  < exalting the imagination to new flights of fancy >
 b. : refine, concentrate — used especially in alchemy
 c. archaic : to make more complete or perfect
 d. : to cause (virulence) to increase
  < virulence exalted by addition of mucin to a bacterial culture >
 also : to increase the virulence of
  < exalt a virus by repeated rapid passage through susceptible hosts >
intransitive verb
: to induce exaltation : elevate
 < the power of brilliant conversation to excite and exalt >
 < the exalting beauty of the forest >
 magnify, aggrandize: exalt may indicate a raising up in prestige or significance, often with concomitant deprecation of something else
  < crisis government, of course, inevitably exalts any agency best situated for supplying vigorous and effective direction of affairs — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink >
  magnify means to increase markedly in actual or apparent size or significance
  < kind, quiet, nearsighted eyes, which his round spectacles magnified into lambent moons — Margaret Deland >
  < public opinion which thus magnifies patriotism into a religion — W.C.Brownell >
  < to minimize the power of the judiciary and the executive, and magnify the power of the legislature — V.L.Parrington >
  aggrandize indicates making great in power, authority, sway, or eminence
  < if we aggrandize ourselves at the expense of the Mahrattas — Duke of Wellington †1852 >




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