

单词 examine
释义 ex·am·ine
I. \igˈzamə̇n, eg-\ verb
(examined ; examined ; examining \-ni(ə̇)niŋ\ ; examines)
Etymology: Middle English examinen, from Middle French examiner, from Latin examinare, from examin-, examen tongue of a balance, consideration, examination — more at examen
transitive verb
1. : to test by an appropriate method : investigate: as
 a. : to look over : inspect visually or by use of other senses (as for the determination of accuracy, propriety, or quality)
  < examining title deeds >
  < carefully examined his steward's accounts >
  < examining the cloth and its embroidery >
 b. : to inspect or test for evidence of disease or abnormality
  < the doctor examined the young men and found them in perfect health >
 c. : to inquire into the state of especially by introspective processes
  < first examine your own conscience >
  < he examined his inmost thoughts >
 d. : to search (as baggage) especially for contraband or dutiable items
2. : to seek to ascertain : attempt to determine
 < attempt to examine whether and to what extent the enormous growth in the economic welfare of this nation has been … aided by our knowledge of economics — Fritz Machlup >
 < sat brooding and examining how he was at fault >
3. : to interrogate closely (as in a judicial proceeding) : try or test by question
 < examining witnesses in court >
 < examined the students in French >
 < examine a bankrupt regarding the state of his property >
intransitive verb
: to make or give an examination
 < the doctor will examine at the infirmary >
— usually used with into
 < let us examine into the basic mechanism involved >
 < spent some time examining into the rumor that an underground passage led from the castle to the marsh >
Synonyms: see ask, scrutinize
II. noun
archaic : examination, scrutiny




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