释义 |
ex·an·them \egˈzan(t)thəm, ˈekˌsanˌthem\ noun also ex·an·the·ma \ˌegˌzanˈthēmə, ˌekˌs-\ (plural exanthems \-əmz, -ˌthemz\ ; also exan·them·a·ta \-ˈtheməd.ə, -ˈthēm-\ ; or exanthemas) Etymology: New Latin exanthema, from Late Latin, skin rash, from Greek exanthẽma, from exanthein to bloom, to break out (as with a rash), from ex- (from ex out of) + anthein to bloom, from anthos flower — more at ex-, anthology 1. : an eruptive disease or its symptomatic eruption — used especially of eruptions attended with fever (as in measles, smallpox, and scarlatina); distinguished from enanthem 2. usually exanthema : a copper-deficiency disease of plants that is especially prevalent in citrus and olive and is characterized by gummosis often accompanied by dieback and by glossy brownish blotches on leaves and fruit • ex·an·the·mat·ic \(ˈ)eg|zan(t)thə|mad.ik, (ˈ)ek|s-\ or ex·an·them·a·tous \| ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷|theməd.əs\ adjective |