

单词 exanthem
释义 ex·an·them
\egˈzan(t)thəm, ˈekˌsanˌthem\ noun
also ex·an·the·ma \ˌegˌzanˈthēmə, ˌekˌs-\
(plural exanthems \-əmz, -ˌthemz\ ; also exan·them·a·ta \-ˈtheməd.ə, -ˈthēm-\ ; or exanthemas)
Etymology: New Latin exanthema, from Late Latin, skin rash, from Greek exanthẽma, from exanthein to bloom, to break out (as with a rash), from ex- (from ex out of) + anthein to bloom, from anthos flower — more at ex-, anthology
1. : an eruptive disease or its symptomatic eruption — used especially of eruptions attended with fever (as in measles, smallpox, and scarlatina); distinguished from enanthem
2. usually exanthema : a copper-deficiency disease of plants that is especially prevalent in citrus and olive and is characterized by gummosis often accompanied by dieback and by glossy brownish blotches on leaves and fruit
ex·an·the·mat·ic \(ˈ)eg|zan(t)thə|mad.ik, (ˈ)ek|s-\ or ex·an·them·a·tous \| ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷|theməd.əs\ adjective




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