

单词 exhaust
释义 ex·haust
I. \igˈzȯst, eg-\ verb
Etymology: Latin exhaustus, past participle of exhaurire, from ex- ex- (I) + haurire to draw; akin to Middle High German œsen to empty, Old Norse ausa to besprinkle, Greek exauein to take out
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to draw forth (as tears)
2. obsolete : to draw in : drink up
 a. : to draw off or let out wholly : drain off completely
  < exhaust the water of a well >
  < exhaust the air from a bell jar >
 b. : to empty by drawing off or draining
  < exhaust a wine cask >
  < exhaust a bank account >
 specifically : to create a vacuum in (as the receiver of an air pump) : evacuate 4
 a. : to use up the whole supply or store of : expend or consume entirely
  < exhaust a coal vein >
  < till her lover had exhausted his eloquence — T.L.Peacock >
 b. : to deprive wholly of strength, patience, or resources : tire out : wear out : weary
  < exhausted from a day's shopping >
  < exhausted himself working in the heat >
 c. : to destroy the fertility of
  < steady cropping exhausted the soil >
 a. : to develop (a subject) completely : discuss thoroughly
 b. : to make use of or try out or otherwise account for the whole number of
  < exhausted the possibilities >
 c. : to take complete advantage of (legal remedies)
  < all administrative remedies must be exhausted before application to the courts can be made >
6. : to deprive completely of removable ingredients : deprive of strength or virtue
 < exhaust a photographic developer >
 a. : to extract completely with a solvent
  < exhaust a drug successively with water, alcohol, and ether >
 b. : to free as far as possible from sugar or other ingredient by crystallization
  < exhaust molasses >
 c. : to transfer dye from (a dyebath); also : to transfer (a dye) completely from a dyebath onto a fabric
intransitive verb
1. : discharge, empty
 < the engine exhausts through a muffler >
2. : to flow or pass out
 < the steam exhausts into the condenser >
3. : to pass from a dyebath onto a fabric
 < substantive dyes exhaust reasonably well onto cellulose >
Synonyms: see deplete, tire
II. noun
 a. : the escape or removal of working substance (as gas or vapor) from an engine cylinder after it has done its work on the piston
 b. : the gas or vapor thus escaping
 c. : the conduit including muffler and stack through which the gases escape
 d. : an arrangement (as of fans) for withdrawing undesirable fumes, dusts, or odors from an enclosure (as a factory room or a kitchen)
2. : the production of a partial vacuum (as by an air pump) : exhaustion




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