释义 |
ex·or·bi·tant \-nt\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Late Latin exorbitant-, exorbitans, present participle of exorbitare to deviate, from Latin ex- ex- (I) + Late Latin -orbitare (from Latin orbita track, rut) — more at orb 1. archaic : wandering or deviating from the normal or ordinary course : abnormal, irregular 2. : not within the orbit or scope of the law 3. a. : exceeding in intensity, quality, force, power, scope, or size the customary, due, or appropriate limits < required an exorbitant quanity of fuel > : excessive b. of a price, charge, or rate : grossly exceeding normal, customary, fair, and just limits < exorbitant rent > < exorbitant profits > Synonyms: see excessive |