释义 |
re·gion I. \ˈrējən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English regioun, from Middle French region territory, region, from Latin region-, regio direction, territory, region, from regere to guide, rule + -ion-, -io -ion — more at right 1. a. obsolete : realm, kingdom b. : an administrative area, division, or district (as in Rome under Augustus or in Soviet Russia) 2. a. : a major indefinite division of inanimate creation < in the dark regions of the night sky > < the aquatic regions of the earth > b. : a sphere (as of activity or interest) subject to expressed or implied forces < the abstract region of higher mathematics > : field 2a 3. : a particular part of the world or universe (as natural waters, the sky, a particular galaxy): as a. : a large tract of land : one of the large districts or quarters into which a space or surface is conceived of as divided; broadly : an indefinite area of land (as a country, province, district, or tract) < there are few unknown regions left on earth > b. : a broad geographical area containing a population whose members possess sufficient historical, cultural, economic, and social homogeneity to distinguish them from others < the region of the Southwest in the U.S. > c. (1) : a major area of the world that is to some degree isolated by climatic or physical barriers and that supports a characteristic fauna differing both qualitatively and quantitatively from that of other regions < faunal overlap of the Ethiopian and Oriental regions > (2) : an area often with distinct natural boundaries that is characterized by the prevalence of one or more vegetational climax types or by a mosaic of such types < the oak-chestnut region of the deciduous forest formation of eastern No. America > 4. a. : one of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts may logically be divided < the nine regions of the abdomen > b. : an indefinite area surrounding a specified body part < a pain in the heart region > c. : space occupied by something : part in question, engaged, occupied, or under discussion < the region of highest concentration > 5. : one of the portions or zones into which the atmosphere is divided according to height or the sea according to depth < the dark abyssal region of the sea > 6. : a mathematical aggregate consisting of the totality of all values of an aggregate of continuous variables each varying over an interval II. noun : an open connected set together with none, some, or all of the points on its boundary |