

单词 explosive
释义 ex·plo·sive
I. \-ōs]iv, ]ēv also -ōz] or ]əv\ adjective
Etymology: Latin explosus (past participle of explodere, explaudere) + English -ive
 a. : relating to, characterized or operated by, or suited to cause explosion
  < explosive force >
  < an explosive engine >
  < the explosive increase of population >
  < an explosive epidemic of rheumatic fever >
 b. : tending to explode
  < a blustering explosive person >
2. : characterized by explosion
ex·plo·sive·ly \]ə̇vlē, -li\ adverb
ex·plo·sive·ness \]ivnə̇s, ]ēv- also ]əv-\ noun -es
II. noun
1. : an explosive substance : a substance that on ignition by heat, impact, friction, or detonation undergoes very rapid decomposition (as combustion) with the production of heat and the formation of more stable products (as gases) which exert tremendous pressure as they expand at the high temperature produced; especially : a solid chemical compound or mixture of compounds that is used to release energy for performing work (as in blasting or propelling projectiles) — see high explosive, low explosive
2. : a consonant characterized by explosion in its articulation when it occurs in certain environments : stop
III. adjective
: done by the force of a controlled explosion
 < explosive welding >
 < explosive forming of metal parts >




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