

单词 exposure
释义 ex·po·sure
\ikˈspōzhə(r), ek-\ noun
Etymology: expose + -ure
1. : an act of exposing, laying open, or setting forth: as
 a. : disclosure to view : display
  < skillful exposure of goods in a store window >
  < her exposure of a shapely leg >
  (1) : a disclosure especially of a weakness or something shameful or criminal : unmasking
   < continued his exposure of electoral frauds >
   < the battle was finally won with the exposure of the Tory commissioner as a grafter — Current Biography >
  also : the condition of being unmasked or shown up
   < he feared exposure above all else >
  (2) : presentation, exposition
   < a dispassionate exposure of fundamental passions of any time and any place — T.S.Eliot >
   < how terrifying an exposure he was making of the emptiness of life without belief — F.O.Matthiessen >
   < suites were considered too heavy for exposure in the concert hall — Roland Gelatt >
 c. : an act of abandoning (as an infant) especially in the open
  < reject all regulation of the birth rate by infanticide, exposure, … or any other means — H.E.Barnes & Howard Becker >
  (1) : the act of exposing a sensitized photographic material
  (2) : a section of a film for an individual picture
   < a roll containing eight exposures >
  (3) : the total amount of light or other radiant energy received per unit area on the sensitized material — usually expressed for cameras in terms of the time and the lens f-number
   < an exposure of 1/50 second at f/8 >
 e. : an act of subjecting to an experience or influence
  < denounced exposure of children to such corrupting literature >
 a. : a condition or an instance of being laid bare or exposed to view
  < particularly striking … are the picturesque exposures of the somber banded clays — Earth Science Digest >
 d. : a condition of being exposed to danger or loss : liability or accessibility to something that may affect detrimentally
  < exposure to infection >
  : risk, vulnerability
  < insurable under a policy having less exposure — Charles Ray >
  < exposure to sudden attack by the enemy >
 specifically : the condition of being exposed to the elements
  < she died as a result of exposure suffered after a shipwreck — American Guide Series: Maine >
  < the work is hard … and exposure is part of the routine — E.P.Hohman >
 c. : a condition or an instance of being subjected to an experience or influence
  < long exposure to the temperature of boiling water — J.B.Conant >
  < the permanent effects of his early exposure to Catholicism — William Troy >
  < wearily cynical from years of exposure to human misery — New York Times >
 d. : a position with respect to the points of compass or to climatic or weather influences
  < a kitchen with a western exposure >
3. : something (as a bed of mineral material) exposed to view
 < thousands of exposures of many different kinds of rock have been examined — W.E.Swinton >
4. : the product of the flux density of radiation falling upon a surface by the time during which the surface is exposed to the radiation




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