

单词 extemporaneous
释义 ex·tem·po·ra·ne·ous
\(|)ek|stempə|rānēəs, ik|-\ adjective
Etymology: Late Latin extemporaneus, from Latin ex tempore + -aneus (as in subterraneus subterranean)
 a. : composed, performed, or uttered on or as if on the spur of the moment
  < an extemporaneous musical composition >
  < an extemporaneous piece of verse >
  : impromptu
  < extemporaneous comment >
  or apparently impromptu (as by avoiding use of rigid memorization, reading, or notes)
  < a brilliant extemporaneous speech >
  : marked by or as if by no previous thought, study, or other preparation : improvised, unpremeditated
 b. : skilled at, given to, or marked by extemporaneous composing, performance, or utterance
  < one of the funniest extemporaneous wits of our time — E.J.Kahn >
 c. : happening suddenly, often unexpectedly, and usually without clearly known causes or relationships
  < a great deal of criminal and delinquent behavior is … extemporaneous — W.C.Reckless >
2. : provided, made, or put to use as a temporary expedient : suggested by or hurriedly adapted to the occasion : makeshift
 < preparing an extemporaneous meal >
 < using an extemporaneous shelter >
3. of a pharmaceutical preparation : compounded according to a physician's prescription as needed : prepared when ordered : not ready-made
ex·tem·po·ra·ne·ous·ly adverb
ex·tem·po·ra·ne·ous·ness noun -es




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