释义 |
ex·ter·nal·ize \ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌīz\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Usage: see -ize 1. a. : to make external : embody in an outward form < spoken language externalizes thought > b. : to consider or treat as if consisting only of externals < a tendency to externalize all religions > 2. a. : to transform from a mental image into an apparently real object (as in hallucinations) : attribute (a mental image) to external causation < externalizing an obsession > b. : to invent an explanation for (an inner conflict, emotion, or problem whose actual basis is known only subconsciously) by attributing to causes outside the self : rationalize, project < externalized his inability to succeed > 3. : to direct outward socially : extrovert < attempts to externalize the individual and to divert his energies into social and recreational channels — L.R.Wolberg > |