释义 |
rel·a·tive I. \ˈreləd.iv, -ətiv\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French relatif (adjective) or Late Latin relativus (adjective) 1. : a word (as a relative pronoun) referring grammatically to an antecedent 2. : a thing having a relation to or connection with or necessary dependence upon another thing : a being or object posited by virtue of its relations — opposed to absolute 3. a. : a person connected with another by blood or affinity; especially : one allied by blood : relation, kinsman < gifts to friends and relatives > b. : an animal or plant related to another by common descent < teosinte, corn's closest relative — P.C.Mangelsdorf > 4. : a relative term < using the relatives father and son instead of the absolutes man and boy > 5. : one of two or more related chemical substances: as a. : one of a group of chemical compounds derived from a common parent b. : one of a series of isomeric compounds 6. : a statistical figure obtained by taking the value of a variable (as a price, a production total) for one time or place, dividing it by the value of the same variable for another time and place, and multiplying by 100 II. adjective Etymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French relatif, from Late Latin relativus, from Latin relatus (suppletive past participle of referre to carry back, refer, relate) + -ivus -ive — more at relate 1. : referring to an antecedent : introducing a subordinate clause qualifying an expressed or implied antecedent < a relative connective > also : introduced by a connective referring to an expressed or implied antecedent — see relative adjective, relative adverb, relative clause, relative pronoun 2. a. archaic : having mutual relation with each other : related, corresponding < several different yet relative designs — Nathaniel Hawthorne > b. : correlating with a right or duty of another : corresponding < relative rights of husband and wife > 3. : having relation, reference, or application : pertaining, relevant, pertinent < matters relative to maintenance of international peace — Vera M. Dean > 4. : arising from relation : resulting from or existing in connection with or reference to something else : not absolute or independent : comparative — distinguished from positive < relative velocity > < relative value of dollars and pounds > < relative isolation of life in the country > 5. : having the same key signature — used of major and minor keys and scales < G major and E minor are relative keys > 6. : expressed as the ratio of the specified quantity to the total magnitude or to the mean of all the quantities involved < relative constant error in measuring > < relative probable error > |