

单词 remiss
释义 re·miss
\rə̇ˈmis, rēˈ-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin remissus slack, loose, from past participle of remittere to let go back, relax — more at remit
1. obsolete
 a. : liquefied, dissolved
 b. : diluted, faint, pale
2. : negligent in the performance of one's work, duty, or duties : careless, inattentive, slack
 < a remiss correspondent >
 < remiss in paying one's bills >
 a. : manifesting lack of energy or care or due strictness : unduly lenient : lazy, languid
  < in one's remiss hours >
  < remiss discipline >
 b. : showing neglect or inattention : negligently performed : lax
  < the service in this hotel is very remiss >
4. obsolete : gentle, mild, moderate, relaxed
Synonyms: see negligent




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