释义 |
re·mit I. \rə̇ˈmit, rēˈ-, usu -id.+V\ verb (remitted ; remitted ; remitting ; remits) Etymology: Middle English remitten, from Latin remittere to let go back, send back, relax, give up, forgive, from re- + mittere to let go, send — more at smite transitive verb 1. a. (1) : to release one from the guilt or penalty of : pardon, forgive < held that God had granted to … the apostles and through them to the priests the power to remit sins — K.S.Latourette > (2) obsolete : to set free (as a prisoner) : release b. : to refrain from exacting (as a payment) < the rents of the husbandman and other taxes were remitted — James Mill > c. : to cancel or refrain from inflicting (a penalty) < in sentences involving loss of pay and confinement, the loss of pay is frequently remitted — Naval Orientation > d. : to give relief from (suffering) < grace that turned staleness sweet, peace that remitted pain — Edmund Wilson > 2. a. : to lay aside (a mood or disposition) partly or wholly b. obsolete : to give up (a right or possession) : surrender, resign c. : to desist from (an activity) d. : to let (as attention, diligence) slacken : mitigate, relax 3. a. : to submit or refer (something) for consideration, judgment, decision or action especially to one in authority < remit the question to a special committee > specifically : remand 2 b. : remand 3 c. : to refer (a person) for information or help (as to a book or person) d. : to refer, assign, or allot to 4. : to restore or consign to a former status or condition; specifically : to restore to a former and more valid title 5. : to put off : postpone, defer < remit consideration of the matter until the next session > 6. : to send (money) to a person or place (as in payment of a demand, account, draft) intransitive verb 1. a. : to abate in force or intensity : moderate b. of a disease or abnormality : to abate symptoms for a period : be remittent or go into a remission 2. : to send money (as in payment) < please remit promptly by check or money order > Synonyms: see send II. noun (-s) : an act of remitting or a matter, cause, or proceeding remitted to another person or authority for consideration or judgment |